Begni Gérard, Escadafal Richard, Fontannaz Delphine and Hong-Nga Nguyen Anne-Thérèse, 2005. Remote sensing: a tool to monitor and assess desertification.

Begni Gérard, Escadafal Richard, Fontannaz Delphine and Hong-Nga Nguyen Anne-Thérèse, 2005. Remote sensing: a tool to monitor and assess desertification.


Begni Gérard, Escadafal Richard, Fontannaz Delphine and Hong-Nga Nguyen Anne-Thérèse, 2005. Remote sensing: a tool to monitor and assess desertification. Les dossiers thématiques du CSFD. Issue 2. 44 pp. A whole range of satellites and sensors allows... More

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